Share God's Word l Show God's Love l Serve God's World

Musical Groups
Music is a vital part of worship life. We have a vocal choir, handbell choir, and praise band. there are also opportunities for small groups to share their gifts or to participate only on special occasions. The vocal and handbell choirs meet on Wednesday evenings. We encourage all who are interested to join us!

Members of McFarland Lutheran Church have a passion of sharing God's love with the world through mission trips. Currently, we have relationships with ministries in Uganda, Guatemala, and Egypt.

Quilting and Prayer Shawls
McFarland Lutheran Church is blessed to have many skilled quilters and knitters who share their gifts with people near and far. The "Piece" Corp makes quilts and shares them with Lutheran World Relief to be sent around the world. The Giving Quilts are made in the church and are shared with local hospitals and area agencies. Our prayer shawl group gathers to knit and crochet prayer shawls that are available in our church for people to take and use themselves, or to give to someone who could use a tangible sign of God's love and warmth.