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Welcome to McFarland Lutheran Church!

Welcome to McFarland Lutheran Church! We love having guests attend worship and learn about our ministries. We hope and pray that you experience God’s steadfast, empowering love in Jesus Christ as you get to know our faith community!

Our faith community’s mission statement is: “Share God’s Word, Show God’s Love, and Serve God’s World.” Worship is a good place to start when you are new to a church. You are invited to one of our worship services. Worship is the time when we hear God’s Word of life in our midst, experience God’s love in Holy Communion and in communal worship, and are sent to serve God and our neighbors in the world around us.

We invite you to many other opportunities to share, show and serve that are described on this website. Feel free to contact the church office or one of our staff members with any questions. May the Holy Spirit renew you with the love of  Christ, and lead you to share in our mission together at MLC!

Worship times are listed below

What We Believe

We believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all 
who believe.

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Our Affiliations

McFarland Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Working together we seek to live in God’s amazing grace.

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Our History

Throughout the years, many people have served to develop the faithfulness of those who join together as Christ’s body, the church. The earliest of those who gathered to form McFarland Lutheran Church were Norwegian settlers from the village of McFarland and the surrounding Town of Dunn. The congregation was established in 1867.

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Saturday Night Worship

Saturdays     5:00 pm      Casual Service

Sunday Worship

Sundays     8:00 am      Traditional Service

                   10:00 am      Contemporary Service

Fellowship Hour

9:00 am – Sunday School (on hiatus)
9:10 am – Confirmation
9:15 am – Adult Faith Formation