
bible studies

Bethel Bible Series

The Bethel Series utilizes a unique overview approach of the Old and New Testaments, unfolding the story of how God moves through history and revealing His plan of salvation. Participants are immersed in the Bible and develop a strong faith foundation and biblical knowledge base.

This course takes 2 years to complete and meets only during the programmatic year.

Circle Bible Studies

McFarland Lutheran Church currently has two active circles of bible study, fellowship, and service. 

The Elizabeth Circle meets to share bible study, a dessert, and fellowship on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at member’s homes/Church. 

The Rachel Circle meets on the 2nd Wednesday morning of each month to share breakfast, sisterhood in Christ, a DVD based bible study, and a brief service meeting.

All are invited to attend one of the existing circles, or, to begin a new circle. Your interest and questions are welcome!

Men's Bible Studies

Come and enjoy food for the body and soul at 7:30am on the 1st Saturday of each month as men gather to study God’s word together. Breakfast and fellowship are followed by a brief study of the bible and how it fits into our lives. 

All are welcome as we build relationships together through sharing God’s word and it’s relevancy to us today. We also grow through new friendships, faith, laughter and encouragement.

Women's Breakfast Bible Studies

All sisters in Christ are invited to the lower level kitchen and sitting area at 7:30am on the 1st Saturday of each month for food, fellowship, faith, laughter and encouragement. There is no cost and you don’t need any Bible knowledge. Each month’s session is independent, so you can join us at any time and you are always welcome.

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